Using Common Objects to Understand Patterns in Tables

patterns pin

Good grief!  As if adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing weren’t enough, now the kids have to put these patterns on tables???  Yup!  It seems daunting at times, but there are many great ways to make this skill concrete and help kids understand relationships on tables!  It can even be FUN if you let it!

When teaching my students about tables I like to start by bringing real items into class to use while making tables!  For example, I bring in toy cars and let the kids play for a minute or two before getting serious!


When we get serious, we use the cars to count wheels and make tables!  As we make the tables we discuss the relationship between the number of cars and wheels. Continue reading

Skip Counting & Multiplication

7 tips for skip counting

It is very important for students to understand the meaning behind multiplication. It is also important for them to master multiplication facts so that they may apply them to other types of math. They need to know the multiples of numbers to simplify fractions, solve large division problems, see patterns,  understand algebra, and so much more.
Being fluent with Math is similar to being fluent in Reading. If a student knows his sight words and only has to sound out a few unfamiliar words he is able to read a paragraph or story fluently, and comprehend it. However, if he has to sound out all of the words as he reads, the paragraph or passage will take a long time and fluency will be weaker and comprehension compromised.

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